Welcome to Hogwarts University!

People have often wondered where students go after finishing Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Though there are some jobs that require further study (Auror's being among them) there is no university or college for Witches and Wizards.

However, what if there was?

What if a place existed for Witches and Wizards to learn after they finish at Hogwarts? Even better, what if there was a place for fans to come together, now that we know we will never see Hogwarts again?

Hogwarts University is such a place. In these hallowed halls of learning, we will talk about all things Harry Potter.

So pull up a chair in study hall, grab a book of a shelf, make sure you have your ink and parchment, and enjoy!

Jamieson Wolf | Copyright 2008